
This is my story and my journey; these are my viewes and my opinions only! I am not, nor do I profess to be a doctor, or a theologian. Please use your own discretion when reading these posts. I didn't survive cancer to die of stress!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Life continues to treat me well.

Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. -Mary Anne Radmacher

God has given me some instances in my own life and journey that have revealed to me the meaning of courage. From little things like learning to advocate and share my experiences with ovarian cancer with my head held high (while inside wanting to forget it ever happened) is courage. I don't always get it right. So for those of you who know me know that I am far from perfect. I don't always do the right thing, think the right thing, say the right thing or make the right decisions. I may let my fears get my mood down in a way that makes me miss the blessings of the day. And a simple conversation I have to answer someone's questions may sink me so far into my experience emotionally that I can't get over the memories of the pain and anguish for days. But I don't have the luxury to sit at home and cry. I have to face those emotions and my fears (recurrence), regroup, get up, and get to work. I also have to remember that my experience with cancer was not only to build my resilience and my reliance and trust in God, but also to be able to understand the suffering of others in whatever forms it comes, to be able to relate more to the people I encounter during my life, to understand their pain and their suffering. (That one has taken me four years to realize) And hey even if I don't get it right, I get to try again. Now that's courage to me.