
This is my story and my journey; these are my viewes and my opinions only! I am not, nor do I profess to be a doctor, or a theologian. Please use your own discretion when reading these posts. I didn't survive cancer to die of stress!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

“Just give us the facts. Just the facts.”

I did a very informative ovarian cancer lunch and learn at my job on Tuesday 9/29/2009. We had so many question and comments from women like “Doesn’t a pap diagnose ovarian cancer?”, “My daughter got a shot and her doctor said it was for ovarian cancer.” and “I had a partial hysterectomy can I still get ovarian cancer?” My TEAL warriors we have our work cut out for us. I have pledge that as long as I have breath in my body I will SHOUT about the symptoms and risk factors and dispel all the myths of ovarian cancer. Fact based awareness is how I am going to educate women from now on. As Sgt. Joe Friday on the popular 60’s police drama said “Just give us the facts. Just the facts.” Like a Pap smear does not diagnose ovarian cancer, currently there is no shot against ovarian cancer, for cervical cancer there is a shot but not for ovarian cancer and a partial, hysterectomy removes only the upper two-thirds of the uterus. The ovaries, fallopian tubes and cervix are not removed and yes you can still get ovarian cancer. I hope that educating women on the facts of ovarian cancer will help with early detection, reduction of risks and help with finding correct treatment options for them.

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